Lindenwood今天提早关门(1/9)-下午3点后上课.m. 举行了几乎

Lindenwood今天提早关门(1/9)-下午3点后上课.m. 举行了几乎

由于恶劣的天气和潜在的危险道路状况, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的校园在 3 p.m. today, 1月9日. 员工和学生在旅行时要格外小心. Essential Employees should contact their supervisor for their on-campus schedule. 我们预先感谢你们的服务. 

上课时间 3 p.m. or later today will be held virtually or will have learning activities that can be completed remotely. 注册在线课程的学生, hyflex, 或混合型学生应该查看画布和电子邮件以获取教授的信息, 因为许多这些学习活动将继续虚拟. Faculty should provide information regarding changes to class assignments and deadlines. 学生 should check Canvas and email for communication from their instructors. 

Faculty 和工作人员 are advised to take their laptops and work materials home with them in case of continuing bad weather.

所有面对面的校园活动从 3 p.m. 或者稍后被取消. 虚拟事件可以按计划继续进行. Any change in dining service hours will be communicated and/or updated in GrubHub. 






学生学术及支援服务(SASS) supports the 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 student community through academic engagement, 解决问题, 提供资源. We are committed to a student-centered environment reinforcing retention and persistence to graduation by encouraging academic and individual development along with social responsibility.


  • coordinating and communicating with all 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 campuses as a student liaison in support of student progression and problem solving;
  • 使用已建立的工具来识别和关注学习风格, 学习目标, 和所有学生的才华, including those at risk; and,
  • 给所有澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的学生, 教师, 员工在专业上受到尊重,支持多元化, 学生的成功, 以及教育机会.


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